Day 31, a week until you return. New Years Eve.
The thing is, new years has always been a fairly rubbish time of year, It reminds me of the great things that haven't happened this year, the fact that I'm still living in a shabby flat in Milton Keynes, I still haven't found that beautiful husband I've been planning on finding, I still have no idea of what I'm actually doing in life, and all the hopes I had for the year, have predominantly, disappeared without a trace. The one main issue I have with New Years Eve is that I always feel to be in the same position every year, I seem to be lacking a certain progress somewhere along the line.
What makes this year particularly worse is that firstly I feel I've just woke up from a coma and secondly, and more importantly you are still not here. Luckily however in one weeks time, you shall be, and we can celebrate then.
I've done very little today, But I have felt like I am able top do slightly more than sleep! I came over to Mams this afternoon and we watched another film. I made fajitas for tea, you would've been proud, they were mighty fine. The boys both went out to Party's and I stayed in with Mum, Dad and Billy, thrilling as you can imagine.
On the plus side, I've found us a holiday for next year, it's a lovely cottage, on a working farm in county cork. its about £200 for a week, Ideal? I think so. I shall find a husband in 2011. Fact.
I've saved all the details, we can look at it when you return, if you decide it's no good, I'll go alone!
Happy new year little Trampy.
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