Well it was lovely to wake up on a Wednesday and not have to go to work! My advent calender said Santas elves are working extra hard today, I'm extremely glad I don't have to!
I looked out of the window to see a whole new load of snow. The perfectly clear driveway was once again a sea of White, my car was sunk in the snow and the trees looked liked a picture off of the front of a Christmas card.
I decided to spend a day with Mam. Gran insisted I cleared the driveway again before going out, she appeared with a broom and started frantically brushing my car. She then went back inside, I was about to make a run for it when she appeared with an over sized shovel and announced I was clearing the drive. It took ages and there was literally no where to put the snow, anyway, Granny was happy and I made my escape!
Bazzarly, as I drove to Mams, the snow got less and less. It turns out they didn't have any this morning, I'm not sure how this happened seeing as we only live 5 miles apart but there we go, the world does funny things!
Mam wanted to go out, so as usual, our adventures led us to a garden centre. The staff stopped us at the entrance and warned us not to go in as we would get the car stuck, Di decided we would be fine and ordered me to drive inwards, so we did, and got stuck. She seemed unbothered about the fact that my car was stuck in a huge wedge of snow and we decided it would be ok to leave it there and continued with the excitement of Dobbies garden world!
We decided to get involved with Santas grotto, please note the Christmas jumper.
Auntie Di enjoying her cappuccino.
After a bit of wriggling, pushing and wheel spins we got out of the car park and made it to Tesco, another drama and another hard task for my poor car, Mam was loving it and getting over excited. Tescos was full of people and kids, we brought ingredients for banoffee pie, sausage rolls and mulled cider.
We made it back to the farm alive and I got on immediately with the mulled cider. The cider went down too well and I began to feel cider sick, Mam cooked tea and spent a large percentage of the evening trying to convince us all that playing a board game would be a good idea, I was beginning to wonder why I was at the farm and felt the great need for a rescuer, preferably a beautiful hatted man, but no hat would also be fine in a situation like this. Mattie just made a dramatic appearance, flew in through the house, mum started wailing about wellies, and snow and mud, then Matt reappeared, shot gun in hand, and ran back out of the house. Once again, no one seemed to feel this was unusual. Dad and Rob began singing Christmas carols in operatic voices and mum wondered off only to return with a hymn book. The evening digressed into a whirlwind of my strange and unhinged family singing Christian praises,
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