Hello, Monday mornings come so quick. I enjoy Mondays, the start of a new week, anything can happen after a Monday, It's like a garden gate, or a door, they don't look particularly fantastic but there could be anything behind it, so it's worth opening.
On the note of doors, and opening, My advent calender told me the knock knock joke about Mary Christmas. I was unimpressed, but the chocolate tasted nice!
My Monday began in Costa with Adam, I had Christmas coffee and we had a chat, it was nice, but I'm sure it definitely doesn't compare to the cheesecake factory! You must take me there one day. Also, Santa on a Harley sounds amazing, I hope you're taking lots of pictures!
I went to the open farm for my first session at work. It was so cold, and we were just about the only people around. I took some photos for you.
These piglets were a couple of weeks old.
The Christmas display had real life rabbits, they made me remember Penny-Marie.
Even the spider webs had frozen.
Nothing great happened at work.
There's nothing exciting going on in England at the moment, snow is still a problem up North and in Scotland but it's all melted around here, it's still very cold though. The canal has been frozen for over a week, I'm hoping I can skate on it soon!
There's been lots of Shark attacks in Sharm el Sheik, in Egypt, please be careful when you swim in the Sea, just in case.
I got your message this morning, I don't remember trying to ring you, and I was asleep when you called. Either I was lying on my phone or I was attempting to sleep ring you. Either way, I miss you very much and need to speak to you soon!
Keep an eye out for sharks xx
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