Day 31, a week until you return. New Years Eve.
The thing is, new years has always been a fairly rubbish time of year, It reminds me of the great things that haven't happened this year, the fact that I'm still living in a shabby flat in Milton Keynes, I still haven't found that beautiful husband I've been planning on finding, I still have no idea of what I'm actually doing in life, and all the hopes I had for the year, have predominantly, disappeared without a trace. The one main issue I have with New Years Eve is that I always feel to be in the same position every year, I seem to be lacking a certain progress somewhere along the line.
What makes this year particularly worse is that firstly I feel I've just woke up from a coma and secondly, and more importantly you are still not here. Luckily however in one weeks time, you shall be, and we can celebrate then.
I've done very little today, But I have felt like I am able top do slightly more than sleep! I came over to Mams this afternoon and we watched another film. I made fajitas for tea, you would've been proud, they were mighty fine. The boys both went out to Party's and I stayed in with Mum, Dad and Billy, thrilling as you can imagine.
On the plus side, I've found us a holiday for next year, it's a lovely cottage, on a working farm in county cork. its about £200 for a week, Ideal? I think so. I shall find a husband in 2011. Fact.
I've saved all the details, we can look at it when you return, if you decide it's no good, I'll go alone!
Happy new year little Trampy.
A beautiful day to day account of life in England, to ensure Helen doesnt miss anything important...
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Day 30, 8 days until you return, 3 days till Bruce
I'm still it, its digressed, I've been sicking. Mam came to my rescue and took me to hers, we watched slumdog millionaire!
I miss you a lot and can not wait for our reunion F and Bs.
It's new years eve tomorrow and it's looking like I'm not going to be doing an awful lot, I hate new years. I hate that a whole year has passed and nothings changed!
I was watching the Rob Brydon show, Alice Cooper was on it, apparently he goes to Hawaii for 2 weeks every year after Christmas. You should probably get looking out for him!
Just over a week now
I'm still it, its digressed, I've been sicking. Mam came to my rescue and took me to hers, we watched slumdog millionaire!
I miss you a lot and can not wait for our reunion F and Bs.
It's new years eve tomorrow and it's looking like I'm not going to be doing an awful lot, I hate new years. I hate that a whole year has passed and nothings changed!
I was watching the Rob Brydon show, Alice Cooper was on it, apparently he goes to Hawaii for 2 weeks every year after Christmas. You should probably get looking out for him!
Just over a week now
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Day 29, 9 days until you return!
Hello sunshine, Your adventures over the last few days sound wonderful, I most definitely would've gone camera crazy, we would've certainly have found our own pathways on the walks as well, like the time in Ingleton, where I nearly fell to my death into a waterfall.
I still feel so ill, I had to phone in sick at work, which I have never done in my life, except that one time when we got hilariously drunk and couldn't move and I told Debbie you had cooked for me the night before and I couldn't stop being sick, but that doesn't really count as it was a blatant lie.
I have actually been in bed for the majority of the day, Mam came to visit with orange juice and medicine that tasted like jagermeister.
I have very little to tell you except for a great piece of news. New series of Bruce Parry starts on Sunday! wahoooo. It's not tribe but it looks pretty amazing!
Anyway, I hope you haven't annoyed Nick too much with your questioning, funny though!
see you soon xx
Hello sunshine, Your adventures over the last few days sound wonderful, I most definitely would've gone camera crazy, we would've certainly have found our own pathways on the walks as well, like the time in Ingleton, where I nearly fell to my death into a waterfall.
I still feel so ill, I had to phone in sick at work, which I have never done in my life, except that one time when we got hilariously drunk and couldn't move and I told Debbie you had cooked for me the night before and I couldn't stop being sick, but that doesn't really count as it was a blatant lie.
I have actually been in bed for the majority of the day, Mam came to visit with orange juice and medicine that tasted like jagermeister.
I have very little to tell you except for a great piece of news. New series of Bruce Parry starts on Sunday! wahoooo. It's not tribe but it looks pretty amazing!
Anyway, I hope you haven't annoyed Nick too much with your questioning, funny though!
see you soon xx
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Monday, 27 December 2010
Day 27, 11 days until you return.
Hello little Trampy!
Its sounds like you had a strange Christmas what with surfing lessons and that. Paddle boarding sounds amazing, I vote we both get one and race them down the canal!
There's not much to report today in comparison to the last few, I actually felt horrific when I got up, I thought my throat was going to fall out. Mam decided it wasn't tonsillitis after shoving a spoon in my mouth whilst wearing Robs new head torch, I'm unsure how accurate her medical advice is but who I'm not one to argue with her, especially when I can't actually speak, in fact my voice has almost gone, I sound like a porn star, or someone working on a sexline.
I went home to my flat today and had a bit of a tidy, by a bit, I mean minimal, I picked up some wrapping paper from the floor and washed up the cups that had been in the sink since Wednesday.
I went to Comet to buy a new laptop as mine has finally given up the will to live. Shops such as these confuse me greatly, I have no idea what to look for and it always smells slightly of carpet and plastic wrapping. I don't know what any of the information on the cards next to the various laptops mean and go purely on looks. I got one in the sale, it's shiny and looks nice. I had to give my name and address etc to the lad serving me but embarrassingly my new sexline voice completely packed up halfway through my address so it ended up me having to take his keyboard and type it for him, he looked at me in disbelief and neither of us really knew what was going on.
So I decided to go back to Mams for lunch, and sympathy. When I got there auntie Dor was there with this lad called Jack who goes to her special school, she looks after him as respite for his parents or something. Anyway, Jack was ace and insisted on taking photos of me on his old school digital camera and then laughing hysterically every time I coughed. He calls Dor "Mrs Hall" and at one point he ran after mum shouting "other Mrs Hall" He then went into some hilarious frenzy loudly shouting "the same, the same" and frantically pointing between Mum and Dor. I hope Jack visits again.
I got home and Gran was back from my Aunts, she was very concerned about my sore throat and scurried around in her pantry and produced a pack of lemsip that was covered in dust and clearly from the 1940s. I thanked her and made a mental note never to open it.
The evening dragged and all I wanted to do was go to bed, I'm hoping that I feel better for my 15 hour shift at work tomorrow.
Ciao Belle,
Hello little Trampy!
Its sounds like you had a strange Christmas what with surfing lessons and that. Paddle boarding sounds amazing, I vote we both get one and race them down the canal!
There's not much to report today in comparison to the last few, I actually felt horrific when I got up, I thought my throat was going to fall out. Mam decided it wasn't tonsillitis after shoving a spoon in my mouth whilst wearing Robs new head torch, I'm unsure how accurate her medical advice is but who I'm not one to argue with her, especially when I can't actually speak, in fact my voice has almost gone, I sound like a porn star, or someone working on a sexline.
I went home to my flat today and had a bit of a tidy, by a bit, I mean minimal, I picked up some wrapping paper from the floor and washed up the cups that had been in the sink since Wednesday.
I went to Comet to buy a new laptop as mine has finally given up the will to live. Shops such as these confuse me greatly, I have no idea what to look for and it always smells slightly of carpet and plastic wrapping. I don't know what any of the information on the cards next to the various laptops mean and go purely on looks. I got one in the sale, it's shiny and looks nice. I had to give my name and address etc to the lad serving me but embarrassingly my new sexline voice completely packed up halfway through my address so it ended up me having to take his keyboard and type it for him, he looked at me in disbelief and neither of us really knew what was going on.
So I decided to go back to Mams for lunch, and sympathy. When I got there auntie Dor was there with this lad called Jack who goes to her special school, she looks after him as respite for his parents or something. Anyway, Jack was ace and insisted on taking photos of me on his old school digital camera and then laughing hysterically every time I coughed. He calls Dor "Mrs Hall" and at one point he ran after mum shouting "other Mrs Hall" He then went into some hilarious frenzy loudly shouting "the same, the same" and frantically pointing between Mum and Dor. I hope Jack visits again.
I got home and Gran was back from my Aunts, she was very concerned about my sore throat and scurried around in her pantry and produced a pack of lemsip that was covered in dust and clearly from the 1940s. I thanked her and made a mental note never to open it.
The evening dragged and all I wanted to do was go to bed, I'm hoping that I feel better for my 15 hour shift at work tomorrow.
Ciao Belle,
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Day 26, 12 Days until you return, Boxing day.
Well my dear, from out of nowhere I've developed the worst sore throat in the history of the world. Not ideal.
Feeling fairly grim, and somewhat sorry for myself, I got up and spent the morning with the family.
Auntie Dor, Ju, Jimmy and the dogs came at around 12 and the comedy twins set to work cooking Christmas lunch. Once again we had a lovely Christmas dinner, and set off for another walk. We walked all through our fields and into a neighbours, Rob and Matt kept carrying mum in a hilarious fashion, it was all going fairly well until the chihuahua decided he'd had enough and had to be carried. I shoved the thing down my jumper for safe keeping.
We wondered onto a neighbours farm, I found an old limo, Dad found some cows.
We had managed to avoid them until mid afternoon but that was long enough for the comedy duo and the board games got brought out. The games kept us going until tea time, I kept the comedy twins company whilst the boys watched sheep station again, they were utterly engrossed by what appeared to be hours and hours of repeated scenes.
Nothing else of great significance happened, I'm going to bed early to beat the germs!
Miss you xx
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Day 25, 13 days until you return, CHRISTMAS DAY
Well, Christmas has arrived! As expected, Mam was extremely over excited and had actually got up during the night to deliver stockings to our bedrooms, I tripped over mine in a nervous dash for a wee at 4am this morning, I stumped my toe and swore loudly.
I was woke up by Mam nagging for me to get up, it was far too early but I managed to drag myself up and get ready. We always go into the living room at Christmas, the room where we camped in once, Mum had sorted out all the presents and piled them onto chairs, Rob and Matt were already unwrapping and burning paper on the fire, Dad was engaged in a very exciting looking book about the history of Bletchley Park, grunting slightly and mentioning names and places in a way that we were meant to know what he was talking about, as usual we didn't.
I had lots of lovely presents, and money towards my camera, Mam had got my skydive certificate framed and mounted with some of the photos, it looks ace. Rob and Matt gave me £100, kindly they decided they'd give me it in 20ps. The hilarity began nowish. Matt gave Rob a sheep shearing machine, they set it up, in the lounge, and got to work shearing a cushion, Mam shouted and wailed but as usual they completely ignored her, iniolated the cushion and sheared the beard off of a Santa stocking, the place was a mess, fluff everywhere, poor Mam gave up and left them to it. The day continued in a similar fashion, the boys prating about and no one being able to control them. Matt's pile of presents consisted of bazaar things such as spades, drills, head lights etc, he seemed extremely pleased with them though so I said nothing. He also got a DVD, called sheepstation. I've heard of babe station, but sheep station? I was worried about this to begin with and wondered what on Earth was going on, surely it was something dodgy with a boring name? but alas, no, it was in fact as dull it a sounds, it was a DVD about sheep herding in New Zealand, and what's more we had to endure it for a good hour before he was finally convinced to turn it off.
Mam started cooking dinner for what seemed like a small country and I went with Rob, Matt and Dad to feed their sheep, mostly because I wanted a trip in the pick up! It was slightly more exciting than it sounds, we drove down icy roads and then Dad decided to loot a shed and came out with a grin on his face and farming magazines shoved up his shirt, like anyone was going to see, or care if they did for that matter, but never mind, he was happy and it's Christmas after all.
So, we got back and ate dinner, I ate far to much, I actually feel fatter than I did when I woke up but never mind, I'll go to the gym or something soon. Dinner was amazing anyway, I love Christmas dinner, if I had to have a last supper it would definitely be a Christmas dinner, with crackers and everything. Rob got a fortune feeeesh in his cracker, it told me I was fickle. Brilliant. Thanks fish.
We went for a walk after lunch, we all piled into the pickup, Billy as well of course, who coincidentally got to sit in the front as it's his Birthday, which leads to the question, why on earth did we not call him Jesus? It has a much better ring to it. The walk was all going quite well and seemed relatively dignified until Mattie decided to piss his name in the snow. Afterwards it went down hill. At one point Matt and Rob grabbed Mam and just full on ran across the snow with her little legs dangling and her wailing, Dad missed the whole event and was too busy digging through the snow to assess the grass underneath, and then rang his brother to tell him all about it, what a thrilling life he leads.
We made it home, cold as can be, and sat around warming up by the fire, like the olden days. The boys wanted to play a game of frustration, I joined in but was put of slightly by the fact that they insisted on playing in the dark with their head torches on, once again, another situation that to most of the human race would appear slightly odd, but to Mam it seemed normal and she just wondered in and sat down , in the dark, with a cup of tea.
We ate tea, and once again I got roped into another tedious and somewhat scary game of monopoly. Me and Mam had no hope of winning and instead just passed money and houses to each other under the table in a desperate hope to win a slither of money off of the boys. and to no avail, we lost dramatically and had to watch whilst the boys once again bartered their way around the bored, making up rules and blatantly stealing money, houses and anything else they could get their hands on. Luckily it came to a dramatic end, when Matt threw everything across the table, Matt smacked Rob and Rob smacked Dad.
Luckily we were saved by Bridget Jones being on the TV, after everyone, apart from me, putting across a point as to why we shouldn't watch it, we watched it, Rob and Matt clearly loved it even though they were desperately trying not to laugh or look like they were watching it. I've come to the conclusion, that I am Bridget Jones, I'm going to end up going through life, (my life being, predominantly, a series of embarrassing events one after another), making a fool of myself whilst continuously making wrong decisions, meeting the wrong people, and going back on new years resolutions. Speaking of new years resolutions, I've again decided to make none this year, just to save myself the feelings of uselessness as I break them all within, lets face it, the first few hours of the new year.
Anyway, it would appear Christmas day is almost over.
It was absolutely wonderful speaking to you earlier, I miss you immensely and I wish you were here to share in the ridiculous but wonderful events that occur when I am around my family. I will see you quite soon and no doubt Mam will be desperate to play bored games with you!
Happy Christmas Love x x x x x x
Well, Christmas has arrived! As expected, Mam was extremely over excited and had actually got up during the night to deliver stockings to our bedrooms, I tripped over mine in a nervous dash for a wee at 4am this morning, I stumped my toe and swore loudly.
I was woke up by Mam nagging for me to get up, it was far too early but I managed to drag myself up and get ready. We always go into the living room at Christmas, the room where we camped in once, Mum had sorted out all the presents and piled them onto chairs, Rob and Matt were already unwrapping and burning paper on the fire, Dad was engaged in a very exciting looking book about the history of Bletchley Park, grunting slightly and mentioning names and places in a way that we were meant to know what he was talking about, as usual we didn't.
I had lots of lovely presents, and money towards my camera, Mam had got my skydive certificate framed and mounted with some of the photos, it looks ace. Rob and Matt gave me £100, kindly they decided they'd give me it in 20ps. The hilarity began nowish. Matt gave Rob a sheep shearing machine, they set it up, in the lounge, and got to work shearing a cushion, Mam shouted and wailed but as usual they completely ignored her, iniolated the cushion and sheared the beard off of a Santa stocking, the place was a mess, fluff everywhere, poor Mam gave up and left them to it. The day continued in a similar fashion, the boys prating about and no one being able to control them. Matt's pile of presents consisted of bazaar things such as spades, drills, head lights etc, he seemed extremely pleased with them though so I said nothing. He also got a DVD, called sheepstation. I've heard of babe station, but sheep station? I was worried about this to begin with and wondered what on Earth was going on, surely it was something dodgy with a boring name? but alas, no, it was in fact as dull it a sounds, it was a DVD about sheep herding in New Zealand, and what's more we had to endure it for a good hour before he was finally convinced to turn it off.
Mam started cooking dinner for what seemed like a small country and I went with Rob, Matt and Dad to feed their sheep, mostly because I wanted a trip in the pick up! It was slightly more exciting than it sounds, we drove down icy roads and then Dad decided to loot a shed and came out with a grin on his face and farming magazines shoved up his shirt, like anyone was going to see, or care if they did for that matter, but never mind, he was happy and it's Christmas after all.
So, we got back and ate dinner, I ate far to much, I actually feel fatter than I did when I woke up but never mind, I'll go to the gym or something soon. Dinner was amazing anyway, I love Christmas dinner, if I had to have a last supper it would definitely be a Christmas dinner, with crackers and everything. Rob got a fortune feeeesh in his cracker, it told me I was fickle. Brilliant. Thanks fish.
We went for a walk after lunch, we all piled into the pickup, Billy as well of course, who coincidentally got to sit in the front as it's his Birthday, which leads to the question, why on earth did we not call him Jesus? It has a much better ring to it. The walk was all going quite well and seemed relatively dignified until Mattie decided to piss his name in the snow. Afterwards it went down hill. At one point Matt and Rob grabbed Mam and just full on ran across the snow with her little legs dangling and her wailing, Dad missed the whole event and was too busy digging through the snow to assess the grass underneath, and then rang his brother to tell him all about it, what a thrilling life he leads.
We made it home, cold as can be, and sat around warming up by the fire, like the olden days. The boys wanted to play a game of frustration, I joined in but was put of slightly by the fact that they insisted on playing in the dark with their head torches on, once again, another situation that to most of the human race would appear slightly odd, but to Mam it seemed normal and she just wondered in and sat down , in the dark, with a cup of tea.
We ate tea, and once again I got roped into another tedious and somewhat scary game of monopoly. Me and Mam had no hope of winning and instead just passed money and houses to each other under the table in a desperate hope to win a slither of money off of the boys. and to no avail, we lost dramatically and had to watch whilst the boys once again bartered their way around the bored, making up rules and blatantly stealing money, houses and anything else they could get their hands on. Luckily it came to a dramatic end, when Matt threw everything across the table, Matt smacked Rob and Rob smacked Dad.
Luckily we were saved by Bridget Jones being on the TV, after everyone, apart from me, putting across a point as to why we shouldn't watch it, we watched it, Rob and Matt clearly loved it even though they were desperately trying not to laugh or look like they were watching it. I've come to the conclusion, that I am Bridget Jones, I'm going to end up going through life, (my life being, predominantly, a series of embarrassing events one after another), making a fool of myself whilst continuously making wrong decisions, meeting the wrong people, and going back on new years resolutions. Speaking of new years resolutions, I've again decided to make none this year, just to save myself the feelings of uselessness as I break them all within, lets face it, the first few hours of the new year.
Anyway, it would appear Christmas day is almost over.
It was absolutely wonderful speaking to you earlier, I miss you immensely and I wish you were here to share in the ridiculous but wonderful events that occur when I am around my family. I will see you quite soon and no doubt Mam will be desperate to play bored games with you!
Happy Christmas Love x x x x x x
Friday, 24 December 2010
Day 24, 14 days until you return, 1 day until Christmas.
Well my dear, it's Christmas eve, and only 2 weeks until you come home!
I woke up this morning in a similar state to Christmas formal 2008, yes, it really was that bad, I was barely able to move. Granny insisted I helped her dig her car out, Instead I just reversed it loudly and dramatically over a heap of snow.
I went to see a family friend with the comedy twins, then went to Auntie Dors for lunch, I was feeling mega rough and finding it hard to speak let alone make polite conversation.
We drove home and I went and wrapped my presents, they look an absolute disaster, never mind, it's whats on the inside that counts!
I then went to Mams for tea and got trapped into playing monopoly, it was terrible, It ended up with Dad, Rob and Matt full on screaming at each other and mum dishing out notes and houses and trying to keep the peace. In the end Mattie stormed out the house and came back with a new argument as to why he actually won.
Luckily, I got out early in the game and instead made banoffee pie.
My advent calender told me that Santa was on his way, I'm gonna go to bed early in a desperate attempt to feel well in time for tomorrow, Mum's getting overly excited about Christmas as you could well imagine.
I like the fact that you did a skydive. I like it even more that you appreciated the brilliance of it and I can't wait for us to do one together!
I love you
Happy Christmas Eve
Well my dear, it's Christmas eve, and only 2 weeks until you come home!
I woke up this morning in a similar state to Christmas formal 2008, yes, it really was that bad, I was barely able to move. Granny insisted I helped her dig her car out, Instead I just reversed it loudly and dramatically over a heap of snow.
I went to see a family friend with the comedy twins, then went to Auntie Dors for lunch, I was feeling mega rough and finding it hard to speak let alone make polite conversation.
We drove home and I went and wrapped my presents, they look an absolute disaster, never mind, it's whats on the inside that counts!
I then went to Mams for tea and got trapped into playing monopoly, it was terrible, It ended up with Dad, Rob and Matt full on screaming at each other and mum dishing out notes and houses and trying to keep the peace. In the end Mattie stormed out the house and came back with a new argument as to why he actually won.
Luckily, I got out early in the game and instead made banoffee pie.
My advent calender told me that Santa was on his way, I'm gonna go to bed early in a desperate attempt to feel well in time for tomorrow, Mum's getting overly excited about Christmas as you could well imagine.
I like the fact that you did a skydive. I like it even more that you appreciated the brilliance of it and I can't wait for us to do one together!
I love you
Happy Christmas Eve
Day 23, 15 days until you return, 2 days until Christmas.
Well, this morning I found myself at the farm again, I got on home and began to create an elf outfit, I'm not going to lie, I did myself proud, I looked good. I went to Weatherspoons to meet Natasha, I got in a taxi, dressed as an elf, the driver was unamused. Tash was dressed fabulously as miss Christmas. We decided to drink our way through the cocktail menu, and managed to drink a pitcher of every cocktail watherspoons did. I was a mess.
We somehow wound up at a pub near Tashas and Matt and his housemate were there, I can not fully remember what happened.
My memory ends here, I believe Robert brought me home and I recall talking to you on the phone.
My advent calender said Christmas bells are ringing, I don't know about that, my head however is most definitely ringing....
I hope you are pleased I am keeping up the dressing up.
Well, this morning I found myself at the farm again, I got on home and began to create an elf outfit, I'm not going to lie, I did myself proud, I looked good. I went to Weatherspoons to meet Natasha, I got in a taxi, dressed as an elf, the driver was unamused. Tash was dressed fabulously as miss Christmas. We decided to drink our way through the cocktail menu, and managed to drink a pitcher of every cocktail watherspoons did. I was a mess.
We somehow wound up at a pub near Tashas and Matt and his housemate were there, I can not fully remember what happened.
My memory ends here, I believe Robert brought me home and I recall talking to you on the phone.
My advent calender said Christmas bells are ringing, I don't know about that, my head however is most definitely ringing....
I hope you are pleased I am keeping up the dressing up.
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Day 22, 16 days until you return, 3 days until Christmas.
Well it was lovely to wake up on a Wednesday and not have to go to work! My advent calender said Santas elves are working extra hard today, I'm extremely glad I don't have to!
I looked out of the window to see a whole new load of snow. The perfectly clear driveway was once again a sea of White, my car was sunk in the snow and the trees looked liked a picture off of the front of a Christmas card.
I decided to spend a day with Mam. Gran insisted I cleared the driveway again before going out, she appeared with a broom and started frantically brushing my car. She then went back inside, I was about to make a run for it when she appeared with an over sized shovel and announced I was clearing the drive. It took ages and there was literally no where to put the snow, anyway, Granny was happy and I made my escape!
Bazzarly, as I drove to Mams, the snow got less and less. It turns out they didn't have any this morning, I'm not sure how this happened seeing as we only live 5 miles apart but there we go, the world does funny things!
Mam wanted to go out, so as usual, our adventures led us to a garden centre. The staff stopped us at the entrance and warned us not to go in as we would get the car stuck, Di decided we would be fine and ordered me to drive inwards, so we did, and got stuck. She seemed unbothered about the fact that my car was stuck in a huge wedge of snow and we decided it would be ok to leave it there and continued with the excitement of Dobbies garden world!

We decided to get involved with Santas grotto, please note the Christmas jumper.

Auntie Di enjoying her cappuccino.
After a bit of wriggling, pushing and wheel spins we got out of the car park and made it to Tesco, another drama and another hard task for my poor car, Mam was loving it and getting over excited. Tescos was full of people and kids, we brought ingredients for banoffee pie, sausage rolls and mulled cider.
We made it back to the farm alive and I got on immediately with the mulled cider. The cider went down too well and I began to feel cider sick, Mam cooked tea and spent a large percentage of the evening trying to convince us all that playing a board game would be a good idea, I was beginning to wonder why I was at the farm and felt the great need for a rescuer, preferably a beautiful hatted man, but no hat would also be fine in a situation like this. Mattie just made a dramatic appearance, flew in through the house, mum started wailing about wellies, and snow and mud, then Matt reappeared, shot gun in hand, and ran back out of the house. Once again, no one seemed to feel this was unusual. Dad and Rob began singing Christmas carols in operatic voices and mum wondered off only to return with a hymn book. The evening digressed into a whirlwind of my strange and unhinged family singing Christian praises,
Well it was lovely to wake up on a Wednesday and not have to go to work! My advent calender said Santas elves are working extra hard today, I'm extremely glad I don't have to!
I looked out of the window to see a whole new load of snow. The perfectly clear driveway was once again a sea of White, my car was sunk in the snow and the trees looked liked a picture off of the front of a Christmas card.
I decided to spend a day with Mam. Gran insisted I cleared the driveway again before going out, she appeared with a broom and started frantically brushing my car. She then went back inside, I was about to make a run for it when she appeared with an over sized shovel and announced I was clearing the drive. It took ages and there was literally no where to put the snow, anyway, Granny was happy and I made my escape!
Bazzarly, as I drove to Mams, the snow got less and less. It turns out they didn't have any this morning, I'm not sure how this happened seeing as we only live 5 miles apart but there we go, the world does funny things!
Mam wanted to go out, so as usual, our adventures led us to a garden centre. The staff stopped us at the entrance and warned us not to go in as we would get the car stuck, Di decided we would be fine and ordered me to drive inwards, so we did, and got stuck. She seemed unbothered about the fact that my car was stuck in a huge wedge of snow and we decided it would be ok to leave it there and continued with the excitement of Dobbies garden world!
We decided to get involved with Santas grotto, please note the Christmas jumper.
Auntie Di enjoying her cappuccino.
After a bit of wriggling, pushing and wheel spins we got out of the car park and made it to Tesco, another drama and another hard task for my poor car, Mam was loving it and getting over excited. Tescos was full of people and kids, we brought ingredients for banoffee pie, sausage rolls and mulled cider.
We made it back to the farm alive and I got on immediately with the mulled cider. The cider went down too well and I began to feel cider sick, Mam cooked tea and spent a large percentage of the evening trying to convince us all that playing a board game would be a good idea, I was beginning to wonder why I was at the farm and felt the great need for a rescuer, preferably a beautiful hatted man, but no hat would also be fine in a situation like this. Mattie just made a dramatic appearance, flew in through the house, mum started wailing about wellies, and snow and mud, then Matt reappeared, shot gun in hand, and ran back out of the house. Once again, no one seemed to feel this was unusual. Dad and Rob began singing Christmas carols in operatic voices and mum wondered off only to return with a hymn book. The evening digressed into a whirlwind of my strange and unhinged family singing Christian praises,
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Day 21, 17 days until you return, 4 days until Christmas
I have just realised that I will see you sooner than the days it was since I last saw you. This is brilliant news. I'm hoping that we will have sledgeable snow left when you return so that we can go extreme snowsurfing.
I realised how much I miss you. It's like that time we cried at the karaoke even though we were meeting up the next week, or the time we left graduation, when your dad dropped me at uncle Bills and it was so emotional we couldn't speak, even though we had planned for you to visit in a couple of weeks time, I know you're coming home soon but I'm missing you loads and there's so much we could be doing if you were here. I was talking about you the other day and the fact we've never had an argument ever, except when you thought I was angry at you for redsicking all over my bathroom, but actually I just wanted to get you to bed before you sicked any more. I even miss you being revolting like that. Moving on from red sick, Jamie Oliver showed me how to make mulled cider, it looks amazing, we should make some. By some, I probably mean lots.
Anyway, It may, as pointed out by my advent calender only be 4 more sleeps until Christmas day, but I did still have to go to work.
I managed to drive into work today although it was a scary journey, made better only by the stop off at Asda to buy 10 muller rices and 16 cans of Dr Pepper. My car was sliding a bit on the roads but I used my rally skills and arrived in one piece
Work was unusual but relatively dull, 2 of the people I support haven't come back from home so there wasn't a lot for me to do this morning, I stood in the garden chatting to Matt, I made chai tea and I watched Love Actually. I stayed on to do the afternoon shift so was there until 10, it went relatively quickly and I now have no work until next Tuesday!
I got home to find Dad had kindly been over to clear the driveway of snow so I could actually drive in today, this was a bonus. Granny had also returned but alas, the heating was still off.
I'm actually feeling Christmassy a little bit now, I'm almost, but not quite, regretting the decision to not decorate my flat and feel it was made better by the wrapping paper scattered across the floor waiting for me to wrap presents in.
In an attempt to beat the cold, I decided not to do any wrapping up presents and instead wrapped myself up in bed.
Your crazy rain sounds fun, and I feel your decision to go to the cinema was a good one, I haven't seen that film but the idea of being able to enter painted worlds is one that is massively appealing. I think I would leave this world any day for a painted one, paintings are perfect and I feel our world is somewhat smudged,
So that's that, I shall leave you for another hot Hawaiian day.
Goodnight xx
I have just realised that I will see you sooner than the days it was since I last saw you. This is brilliant news. I'm hoping that we will have sledgeable snow left when you return so that we can go extreme snowsurfing.
I realised how much I miss you. It's like that time we cried at the karaoke even though we were meeting up the next week, or the time we left graduation, when your dad dropped me at uncle Bills and it was so emotional we couldn't speak, even though we had planned for you to visit in a couple of weeks time, I know you're coming home soon but I'm missing you loads and there's so much we could be doing if you were here. I was talking about you the other day and the fact we've never had an argument ever, except when you thought I was angry at you for redsicking all over my bathroom, but actually I just wanted to get you to bed before you sicked any more. I even miss you being revolting like that. Moving on from red sick, Jamie Oliver showed me how to make mulled cider, it looks amazing, we should make some. By some, I probably mean lots.
Anyway, It may, as pointed out by my advent calender only be 4 more sleeps until Christmas day, but I did still have to go to work.
I managed to drive into work today although it was a scary journey, made better only by the stop off at Asda to buy 10 muller rices and 16 cans of Dr Pepper. My car was sliding a bit on the roads but I used my rally skills and arrived in one piece
Work was unusual but relatively dull, 2 of the people I support haven't come back from home so there wasn't a lot for me to do this morning, I stood in the garden chatting to Matt, I made chai tea and I watched Love Actually. I stayed on to do the afternoon shift so was there until 10, it went relatively quickly and I now have no work until next Tuesday!
I got home to find Dad had kindly been over to clear the driveway of snow so I could actually drive in today, this was a bonus. Granny had also returned but alas, the heating was still off.
I'm actually feeling Christmassy a little bit now, I'm almost, but not quite, regretting the decision to not decorate my flat and feel it was made better by the wrapping paper scattered across the floor waiting for me to wrap presents in.
In an attempt to beat the cold, I decided not to do any wrapping up presents and instead wrapped myself up in bed.
Your crazy rain sounds fun, and I feel your decision to go to the cinema was a good one, I haven't seen that film but the idea of being able to enter painted worlds is one that is massively appealing. I think I would leave this world any day for a painted one, paintings are perfect and I feel our world is somewhat smudged,
So that's that, I shall leave you for another hot Hawaiian day.
Goodnight xx
Monday, 20 December 2010
Day 20, 18 days until you return, 5 days until Christmas
Being asleep was amazing! I have never been so tired in all my life! I woke up with a cricky neck. to the point that I can't look right! I text Tasha about it, she can't look left! haha I think these are lying on sofa related injuries!
Anyway, I woke up in a confused state, I was at mums, in my old room and for a moment thought I had maybe been thrown into some strange time warp. It was 7am and I heard Mattie running, full speed across the landing, crashing Mam and Dads bedroom door open and diving on the bed. Nobody seemed fussed, this is clearly a common occurrence, a sort of human alarm clock. Mum made some kind of disapproving noise and Dad got up and crashed about for what seemed like hours.
I eventually got up and melted my car. The whole thing was a frozen block, the doors wouldn't open! When I eventually got into my car, there was a bazaar smell and what appeared to be yellow snow all over the inside front of my car. I was confused until I saw the exploded can of red bull poking out of the door pocket. I know people say don't eat yellow snow, but I tried some and it was amazing, sort of like energy slush puppy, we should make some!
I managed to clean my car and drove home to the flat of wonder, the roads were awful and I couldn't get in my drive so I parked on the road, Gran would have a fit!
Having a shower was amazing, I smelt so bad, sort of like you do quite often, I could smell myself.
Showered and presentable I decided to go and finish my Christmas shopping as I couldn't go yesterday. I met up with Mum, we had Christmas coffees. I got most of what I needed, went to Tesco to get food shopping for work and then went back to my cold, cold flat!
I'm not doing much this evening, I'm still quite tired and have work at 9AM.
My advent calender advised me to snuggle in front of a Christmas movie tonight. No thanks, I'm watching Corrie.
The news is very cold/snow orientated, airports are closing again and roads are terrible. I hope Hawaii is still fantastic
Miss You Millions
Being asleep was amazing! I have never been so tired in all my life! I woke up with a cricky neck. to the point that I can't look right! I text Tasha about it, she can't look left! haha I think these are lying on sofa related injuries!
Anyway, I woke up in a confused state, I was at mums, in my old room and for a moment thought I had maybe been thrown into some strange time warp. It was 7am and I heard Mattie running, full speed across the landing, crashing Mam and Dads bedroom door open and diving on the bed. Nobody seemed fussed, this is clearly a common occurrence, a sort of human alarm clock. Mum made some kind of disapproving noise and Dad got up and crashed about for what seemed like hours.
I eventually got up and melted my car. The whole thing was a frozen block, the doors wouldn't open! When I eventually got into my car, there was a bazaar smell and what appeared to be yellow snow all over the inside front of my car. I was confused until I saw the exploded can of red bull poking out of the door pocket. I know people say don't eat yellow snow, but I tried some and it was amazing, sort of like energy slush puppy, we should make some!
I managed to clean my car and drove home to the flat of wonder, the roads were awful and I couldn't get in my drive so I parked on the road, Gran would have a fit!
Having a shower was amazing, I smelt so bad, sort of like you do quite often, I could smell myself.
Showered and presentable I decided to go and finish my Christmas shopping as I couldn't go yesterday. I met up with Mum, we had Christmas coffees. I got most of what I needed, went to Tesco to get food shopping for work and then went back to my cold, cold flat!
I'm not doing much this evening, I'm still quite tired and have work at 9AM.
My advent calender advised me to snuggle in front of a Christmas movie tonight. No thanks, I'm watching Corrie.
The news is very cold/snow orientated, airports are closing again and roads are terrible. I hope Hawaii is still fantastic
Miss You Millions
Day 19, 19 days until you return, 6 days until Christmas
So there we were at work... we fell asleep at around 1AM, I woke up at 1.26. Not ideal. At 3 oclock the lady we were supporting woke up in a foul mood and screamed all morning, me and Tasha took it in turns to attempt to calm her down, Tasha got clawed! It got to 4am and we got hungry so Tasha cooked us chips. The other person in the house was up at about half 5.
I decided it would make the world better if I cooked a full English, youth hostel style breakfast. It was immense and everybody was happy. We kept ourselves entertained for most of the morning, luckily everybody was in a fairly good mood.
Before lunch I decided it was time to dig out the sledge from the garage, we did some snow surfing and one of the men from next door came out to play with me. It was fun, you would've enjoyed it. Luckily nobody got any sledge related injuries.

So there we were at work... we fell asleep at around 1AM, I woke up at 1.26. Not ideal. At 3 oclock the lady we were supporting woke up in a foul mood and screamed all morning, me and Tasha took it in turns to attempt to calm her down, Tasha got clawed! It got to 4am and we got hungry so Tasha cooked us chips. The other person in the house was up at about half 5.
I decided it would make the world better if I cooked a full English, youth hostel style breakfast. It was immense and everybody was happy. We kept ourselves entertained for most of the morning, luckily everybody was in a fairly good mood.
Before lunch I decided it was time to dig out the sledge from the garage, we did some snow surfing and one of the men from next door came out to play with me. It was fun, you would've enjoyed it. Luckily nobody got any sledge related injuries.
So we made lunch, and the afternoon staff, as we expected, phoned to say they weren't coming in. By this time, I had been at work over 20 hours and was becoming delirious. I had to go to the house next door for the late shift and Tasha stayed in our house. We ate biscuits and I got called Kate Bush a lot. I had to cook a roast dinner which I was slightly dreading, but I managed to sort it all out and it was amazing, they ate it all up!
At 10pm Rob arrived to pick me up in the Robmobil. He was loudly singing Christmas carols and wearing tweed.
I got back to Mums at about 11. BED!!!
My advent calender said these chocolates are getting bigger. They most certainly are, this is an amazing calender, the chocolates get bigger the nearer you get to Christmas!
Goodnight Sunshine x
Day 18, 20 days until you return, 7 days until Christmas
Well, Saturday began with a nice lie in, my flat was cold and I didn't want to get up.
I had to go and buy a new car battery as I don't want to be stuck at work with a broken car again.
I went to Mams for lunch, Auntie Dor was there too. We were eating when suddenly it started snowing, real snow. It settled and everything, I got majorly excited and kitted myself out for the arctic conditions and went out to build an igloo, I made bricks by putting snow in recycling boxes, like sandcastles. I got 2 bricks high when the snow got too powdery and wouldn't stick together. Feeling let down and defeated, I went back inside only to notice a missed call from work. I rang them back, Tasha was at work on her own and people kept cancelling so she wanted me to go in, by this point my car was full on snowed in so I had to get Rob and the pickup to get me to work! The roads were terrible, cars abandoned everywhere but we managed and I got to work.
So there we were, me and Tasha, trapped at work, we made tea for the people in our house and made fishfinger sandwiches for us.
Waking night phoned to say they couldn't get in so we had to do a night shift. We got all our jobs done and watched scary movie 2 at midnight...
My advent calender said Close your eyes and make a Christmas wish. I couldn't close my eyes because I was at work. I wished I could go home in the morning...
Well, Saturday began with a nice lie in, my flat was cold and I didn't want to get up.
I had to go and buy a new car battery as I don't want to be stuck at work with a broken car again.
I went to Mams for lunch, Auntie Dor was there too. We were eating when suddenly it started snowing, real snow. It settled and everything, I got majorly excited and kitted myself out for the arctic conditions and went out to build an igloo, I made bricks by putting snow in recycling boxes, like sandcastles. I got 2 bricks high when the snow got too powdery and wouldn't stick together. Feeling let down and defeated, I went back inside only to notice a missed call from work. I rang them back, Tasha was at work on her own and people kept cancelling so she wanted me to go in, by this point my car was full on snowed in so I had to get Rob and the pickup to get me to work! The roads were terrible, cars abandoned everywhere but we managed and I got to work.
So there we were, me and Tasha, trapped at work, we made tea for the people in our house and made fishfinger sandwiches for us.
Waking night phoned to say they couldn't get in so we had to do a night shift. We got all our jobs done and watched scary movie 2 at midnight...
My advent calender said Close your eyes and make a Christmas wish. I couldn't close my eyes because I was at work. I wished I could go home in the morning...
Friday, 17 December 2010
Day 17, 21 days until you return, 8 days until Christmas
Wow, this time next week will be Christmas eve. I can't believe this year is practically over and I can't believe I'm going to be starting a new year without you!
Work was odd for a Friday. I Worked in my old house first thing, we sang songs and I got called Kate Bush far too many times. I had also baked chocolate brownies last night, so I took them in and we ate them for breakfast.
It snowed this morning, once again I think Britain has come to a standstill, everywhere is plunged into a winter wonderland of snowmen and igloos, everywhere that is, except Milton Keynes, which got a measly sprinkling of snow like the icing sugar on top of a Victoria sponge.
At lunch time I went to the house I usually work in, and went horse riding, again, the weather was arctic and I struggled to remain conscious for the half hour I spent there.
I then in a twist of events went back to the old house to cover a shift until 10. I like this house a lot, we sang a lot and talked about cups of tea, trains, sausages, monkeys, Kate Bush and Billy Joel. I for some reason nominated myself to cook and made chicken casserole, as usual I went over the top chopping up stuff and made enough to feed a small third world country, no one complained and best of all, no one got poisoned, the cooking was a success.
Evening time involved me dishing out medication in between watching soaps and having in depth conversations about life meanings.
And then 10pm came around, I pictured the warming cup of tea waiting for me at home as I stepped across the snow to my car, opened the door, got in, turned the key, nothing. And there I was, trapped at work with a non starting car, but at least, Daddy owns the AA. I phoned him and he came to my rescue, accompanied by Rob and his posh, over the top pickup. Luckily they had a half clue about what they were doing and managed to jump start the Citroen dream. Dad insisted on following me home in case, in some unlikely event, the car blew up. I made it home, and found my payslip waiting for me on the doorstep, along with a Christmas card from my other Helen, filled with glittery stars, this improved my evening greatly, but sadly, by this time it was pretty much over. I forgot about my cup of tea and instead decided bed, my favourite place on Earth would be, in these circumstances, the better option!
So that was my day, my week. Over.
No great British news for you today, just the snow causing problems everywhere again, I'm hoping desperately for some tomorrow.
My advent Calender told me to Sing a Christmas carol today, even if it's just to yourself. I sang many Christmas, and non Christmas songs today with people at work, and I do often sing them to myself. Sometimes I don't fully know the words so I make them up, my versions often sound better.
This time next week, Santa will be very nearly here
Love you xx
Wow, this time next week will be Christmas eve. I can't believe this year is practically over and I can't believe I'm going to be starting a new year without you!
Work was odd for a Friday. I Worked in my old house first thing, we sang songs and I got called Kate Bush far too many times. I had also baked chocolate brownies last night, so I took them in and we ate them for breakfast.
It snowed this morning, once again I think Britain has come to a standstill, everywhere is plunged into a winter wonderland of snowmen and igloos, everywhere that is, except Milton Keynes, which got a measly sprinkling of snow like the icing sugar on top of a Victoria sponge.
At lunch time I went to the house I usually work in, and went horse riding, again, the weather was arctic and I struggled to remain conscious for the half hour I spent there.
I then in a twist of events went back to the old house to cover a shift until 10. I like this house a lot, we sang a lot and talked about cups of tea, trains, sausages, monkeys, Kate Bush and Billy Joel. I for some reason nominated myself to cook and made chicken casserole, as usual I went over the top chopping up stuff and made enough to feed a small third world country, no one complained and best of all, no one got poisoned, the cooking was a success.
Evening time involved me dishing out medication in between watching soaps and having in depth conversations about life meanings.
And then 10pm came around, I pictured the warming cup of tea waiting for me at home as I stepped across the snow to my car, opened the door, got in, turned the key, nothing. And there I was, trapped at work with a non starting car, but at least, Daddy owns the AA. I phoned him and he came to my rescue, accompanied by Rob and his posh, over the top pickup. Luckily they had a half clue about what they were doing and managed to jump start the Citroen dream. Dad insisted on following me home in case, in some unlikely event, the car blew up. I made it home, and found my payslip waiting for me on the doorstep, along with a Christmas card from my other Helen, filled with glittery stars, this improved my evening greatly, but sadly, by this time it was pretty much over. I forgot about my cup of tea and instead decided bed, my favourite place on Earth would be, in these circumstances, the better option!
So that was my day, my week. Over.
No great British news for you today, just the snow causing problems everywhere again, I'm hoping desperately for some tomorrow.
My advent Calender told me to Sing a Christmas carol today, even if it's just to yourself. I sang many Christmas, and non Christmas songs today with people at work, and I do often sing them to myself. Sometimes I don't fully know the words so I make them up, my versions often sound better.
This time next week, Santa will be very nearly here
Love you xx
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Day 15, 23 days until you return, 10 days until Christmas
Well, I had a little lie in this morning before I had to leave for work. I like Wednesdays at work and I was happy it was this time of week again! My day started of with dance class. I found it slightly more difficult joining in than usual due to the immense amount of pain my legs were in from last nights spin, I think I overdid myself last night, I don't usually hurt the next day but I was finding it difficult to even walk today. I did as usual enjoy myself, I enjoy the dance class so much because everybody seems happy, about 90% of people there are not doing what they're meant to be, but they all really enjoy it and it's really nice for them to be able to be having fun without people making comments or anything. Me and Tasha danced our socks off and as usual, Matt put in extra effort for the okie cokie.
We bustled our way through the city centre to find some lunch and then went to the gym and had a swim.
My day went quick, the best days always do. It's funny how the more you enjoy things the quicker they go, I can imagine your holiday is flying by although to me it seems like far too long since you left that morning.
I made some flapjack earlier, I say flapjack, it was meant to be gingerbread, its slightly crunchy with an indescribable texture. I'm unsure if it's suitable for human consumption but Matt ate some and I'm sure you'd like it!
Later this evening, Matt came round, this was nice. I'm mighty glad we get on well still and that the whole situation didn't turn horrific.
The sea turtle sounds beautiful, how wonderful that he chose to come and say hello to you! the canoing also sounds marvellous, I am still upset that I am missing up greatly but one day will we have a holiday together, I have been planning our trip to Ireland in my head.
My calendar says 10 more sleeps this is true, but only 23 more sleeps until I get home from work to find you here, and what an occasion that will be!
The weather is set to get cold again and the whole of England has weather warnings in place, it's suddenly got very cold again but I don't think Milton Keynes is getting any snow, the North is due some so no doubt wingate will be pluged into a world of white wilderness once again!
I look forward to hearing from you very soon
ciao belle x
Well, I had a little lie in this morning before I had to leave for work. I like Wednesdays at work and I was happy it was this time of week again! My day started of with dance class. I found it slightly more difficult joining in than usual due to the immense amount of pain my legs were in from last nights spin, I think I overdid myself last night, I don't usually hurt the next day but I was finding it difficult to even walk today. I did as usual enjoy myself, I enjoy the dance class so much because everybody seems happy, about 90% of people there are not doing what they're meant to be, but they all really enjoy it and it's really nice for them to be able to be having fun without people making comments or anything. Me and Tasha danced our socks off and as usual, Matt put in extra effort for the okie cokie.
We bustled our way through the city centre to find some lunch and then went to the gym and had a swim.
My day went quick, the best days always do. It's funny how the more you enjoy things the quicker they go, I can imagine your holiday is flying by although to me it seems like far too long since you left that morning.
I made some flapjack earlier, I say flapjack, it was meant to be gingerbread, its slightly crunchy with an indescribable texture. I'm unsure if it's suitable for human consumption but Matt ate some and I'm sure you'd like it!
Later this evening, Matt came round, this was nice. I'm mighty glad we get on well still and that the whole situation didn't turn horrific.
The sea turtle sounds beautiful, how wonderful that he chose to come and say hello to you! the canoing also sounds marvellous, I am still upset that I am missing up greatly but one day will we have a holiday together, I have been planning our trip to Ireland in my head.
My calendar says 10 more sleeps this is true, but only 23 more sleeps until I get home from work to find you here, and what an occasion that will be!
The weather is set to get cold again and the whole of England has weather warnings in place, it's suddenly got very cold again but I don't think Milton Keynes is getting any snow, the North is due some so no doubt wingate will be pluged into a world of white wilderness once again!
I look forward to hearing from you very soon
ciao belle x
Day 14, 24 days until you return, 11 days until Christmas
Thank you for your postcard! What a lovely surprise to come home to!
Work wasn't too bad today, I had a lovely 9AM swim which went rather well, followed by trampolining which was great fun, I was jumping on a trampoline whilst the lady I was supporting, and a handful of kids, sat on the trampoline giggling. What a job!
After work was not so good. Actually it was pretty awful. This is when I hate the fact you're miles away because I needed to speak to you but have no idea what sort of time it is where you are!
Anyway, to make matters better, I thought I'd cheer myself up by going to Spin. ACTUAL PAIN!
It was this psycho women screaming about jaffa cakes and mince pies.
Spin hurt, it didn't make me feel better!
I've gone against my wishes and put up the Nativity. Was there really a camel present at the birth of Jesus? Was that camel larger than the shed Jesus was born in?

Well, I'm glad to hear you're breaking into private functions, well played! Also about the marathon, I most certainly will not be joining you, I will however make a banner and watch you whilst cheering until I lose my voice!
Oh, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is coming out!
There's no great news other than that in England, the weather is much better, it's nowhere near as cold!
The advent calender said Ho! Ho! Ho!
Love you!
Thank you for your postcard! What a lovely surprise to come home to!
Work wasn't too bad today, I had a lovely 9AM swim which went rather well, followed by trampolining which was great fun, I was jumping on a trampoline whilst the lady I was supporting, and a handful of kids, sat on the trampoline giggling. What a job!
After work was not so good. Actually it was pretty awful. This is when I hate the fact you're miles away because I needed to speak to you but have no idea what sort of time it is where you are!
Anyway, to make matters better, I thought I'd cheer myself up by going to Spin. ACTUAL PAIN!
It was this psycho women screaming about jaffa cakes and mince pies.
Spin hurt, it didn't make me feel better!
I've gone against my wishes and put up the Nativity. Was there really a camel present at the birth of Jesus? Was that camel larger than the shed Jesus was born in?
Well, I'm glad to hear you're breaking into private functions, well played! Also about the marathon, I most certainly will not be joining you, I will however make a banner and watch you whilst cheering until I lose my voice!
Oh, Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is coming out!
There's no great news other than that in England, the weather is much better, it's nowhere near as cold!
The advent calender said Ho! Ho! Ho!
Love you!
Monday, 13 December 2010
Day 13, 25 days until you return, 12 days until Christmas
So, 12 days until Christmas and I'm yet to do my Christmas shopping, I don't know what to get anyone and shopping in the manic crowds of December make me nervous.
I had a lovely lie in this morning and then went off to work after lunch. I visited the open farm again, this week they had piglets that were born this morning, they were beautiful and I really wanted to put one in my pocket, I figured we could call her Sandra and take her for walks and teach her tricks and dancing and things. And of course, if she got too big or boring, we could have bacon sandwiches or pork roast.

Tiny pigs!

After the farm I went to football, I usually just watch them play football but it was actually freezing and the lads kept bugging me to play so I gave in and played. I was fantastic as you could imagine. I scored goals! After my second wondergoal, some of the boys decided they didn't want me to score so kept trying to trip me up and distract me. Another bloke kept, unintentionally I think, distracting me by telling me how he likes to bird watch, he's seen 3 woodpeckers, a moth (which I thought better than to point out, isn't actually a bird) and an owl that missed it's landing.
Third outing of the day was bowling, sadly, but in my usual Monday evening style, I lost.
And that was most of my Monday over!
Oh, my advent calender asked me Is your tree twinkling yet? No, dear friend, it is not. In true Grinch style I am still refusing to decorate my flat.
Happy Monday Beautiful xx
So, 12 days until Christmas and I'm yet to do my Christmas shopping, I don't know what to get anyone and shopping in the manic crowds of December make me nervous.
I had a lovely lie in this morning and then went off to work after lunch. I visited the open farm again, this week they had piglets that were born this morning, they were beautiful and I really wanted to put one in my pocket, I figured we could call her Sandra and take her for walks and teach her tricks and dancing and things. And of course, if she got too big or boring, we could have bacon sandwiches or pork roast.
Tiny pigs!
After the farm I went to football, I usually just watch them play football but it was actually freezing and the lads kept bugging me to play so I gave in and played. I was fantastic as you could imagine. I scored goals! After my second wondergoal, some of the boys decided they didn't want me to score so kept trying to trip me up and distract me. Another bloke kept, unintentionally I think, distracting me by telling me how he likes to bird watch, he's seen 3 woodpeckers, a moth (which I thought better than to point out, isn't actually a bird) and an owl that missed it's landing.
Third outing of the day was bowling, sadly, but in my usual Monday evening style, I lost.
And that was most of my Monday over!
Oh, my advent calender asked me Is your tree twinkling yet? No, dear friend, it is not. In true Grinch style I am still refusing to decorate my flat.
Happy Monday Beautiful xx
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Day 12, 26 days until you return, 13 days until Christmas
Thanks for your update, The swimming with fish sounds like my idea of absolute hell, and the thought of you in a war museum totally intrigues me. The bus however, sounds brilliant and I wish we had such transport around here! I'm glad you are still having fun and not wanting to come home yet!
Alcohol does terrible things. I am in pain!
So last night was immense, it began a civilised dinner, we had Christmas dinner, turkey and all, drinks were flowing, and then it began to spiral out of control. Party poppers began to be emptied and refilled with chutney, soup and cream, and fired around the room, often landing in peoples drinks, and in my case hair. Pate and potatoes got stuck to walls. It was a mess, I was laughing so much I actually couldn't eat.
Dinner over with, we moved into the bar, where we drank, and drank and drank. I must have had about 6 jagerbombs, as well as wine and anything else going around. I can't recall much of the rest of the evening.
I got home at about 11.30. (oh dear) I was what can only be described as a mess. But alas, I took myself to Asda, where at one point I stood, still, as the shop span around in circles and the people blurred, I gathered myself and managed to get to Mams in time for dinner, I was not in the frame of mind to be eating but managed to make polite conversation with the collection of elderly relatives that had come for lunch.
Then, in an almost perfect reinactment of last Saturday, I did the most I could do with myself, and fell asleep!
Matt Baker is still in strictly, but Scott and Gavin got voted out!
It's the X factor final. Take that opened the show, take that, with Robbie, they are going to be so fantastic when we go and see them, I can not wait.
The final was between Matt and Rebecca
My advent calendar says Rudolph is excited for Christmas, it's less than 2 weeks I so far have nothing Christmassy in my flat, much to Mams dismay.
love you xx
Thanks for your update, The swimming with fish sounds like my idea of absolute hell, and the thought of you in a war museum totally intrigues me. The bus however, sounds brilliant and I wish we had such transport around here! I'm glad you are still having fun and not wanting to come home yet!
Alcohol does terrible things. I am in pain!
So last night was immense, it began a civilised dinner, we had Christmas dinner, turkey and all, drinks were flowing, and then it began to spiral out of control. Party poppers began to be emptied and refilled with chutney, soup and cream, and fired around the room, often landing in peoples drinks, and in my case hair. Pate and potatoes got stuck to walls. It was a mess, I was laughing so much I actually couldn't eat.
Dinner over with, we moved into the bar, where we drank, and drank and drank. I must have had about 6 jagerbombs, as well as wine and anything else going around. I can't recall much of the rest of the evening.
I got home at about 11.30. (oh dear) I was what can only be described as a mess. But alas, I took myself to Asda, where at one point I stood, still, as the shop span around in circles and the people blurred, I gathered myself and managed to get to Mams in time for dinner, I was not in the frame of mind to be eating but managed to make polite conversation with the collection of elderly relatives that had come for lunch.
Then, in an almost perfect reinactment of last Saturday, I did the most I could do with myself, and fell asleep!
Matt Baker is still in strictly, but Scott and Gavin got voted out!
It's the X factor final. Take that opened the show, take that, with Robbie, they are going to be so fantastic when we go and see them, I can not wait.
The final was between Matt and Rebecca
My advent calendar says Rudolph is excited for Christmas, it's less than 2 weeks I so far have nothing Christmassy in my flat, much to Mams dismay.
love you xx
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Day 11, 27 days until you return, 14 days until Christmas
Hello sunshine, it's exactly 4 weeks until I should see you again, I can't wait! It's loads warmer here now, there's no snow left but the canal is still frozen.
I worked some overtime this morning, I haven't had to be at work for 7am for a long, long time, it was hard bringing myself to get out of bed when it's dark outside. I had a lovely morning at work and the time went quickly.
I haven't seen the news today so, I know as much about England as you do at the moment, I'm sure if something exciting happens I'll hear about it and let you know!
I'm of to my young farmers Christmas dinner later, I'm going to wear the dress I brought yesterday, I think we are going out in Milton Keynes again afterwards. I wish you were here to come out, you'd love it, we could dance crazy and upset people.
My advent calendar asked me have you written to Santa. No, I haven't. No doubt Santa will visit me though, I'm spending Christmas eve at Mams!
Hello sunshine, it's exactly 4 weeks until I should see you again, I can't wait! It's loads warmer here now, there's no snow left but the canal is still frozen.
I worked some overtime this morning, I haven't had to be at work for 7am for a long, long time, it was hard bringing myself to get out of bed when it's dark outside. I had a lovely morning at work and the time went quickly.
I haven't seen the news today so, I know as much about England as you do at the moment, I'm sure if something exciting happens I'll hear about it and let you know!
I'm of to my young farmers Christmas dinner later, I'm going to wear the dress I brought yesterday, I think we are going out in Milton Keynes again afterwards. I wish you were here to come out, you'd love it, we could dance crazy and upset people.
My advent calendar asked me have you written to Santa. No, I haven't. No doubt Santa will visit me though, I'm spending Christmas eve at Mams!
Friday, 10 December 2010
Day 10, 28 days until you return, 15 days until Christmas.
It's Friday again, the weeks flown by, scarily so. I worry about the speed of time these days, I feel slightly out of control and wonder if the speed of time will continue to increase for the rest of my life.
Anyway, I woke up this morning with a cold, which throughout the day, digressed into full blown man flu, I am currently sat in a state of unknown having overdosed slightly on beechams and lemsip tablets.
Work dragged but I managed to finish early, as I did overtime yesterday. I decided to join the crowds of people in the city centre and go Christmas shopping, I brought a dress! I like the shopping centre when it's busy, I don't like shopping in it, but I like watching the hoards of people bustling around like little ants, scrawling through shops and getting wound up about tiny insignificant things.
I've been thinking a lot today about what I said to you yesterday, I can't say much on here because I don't know who is reading it, however next time you ring I'll fill you in with my thoughts. I'm excited about going out tomorrow but I've got a feeling it might make matters slightly worse, hey ho!
There's news in England today. Scotland's now flooding because all of the snow has suddenly melted, nothings been mentioned about your neck of the woods but I think it's still really cold up there.
Students have gone nuts in London about these tuition fees, massive riots and things, buildings have been smashed and they tried to wreck Prince Charles car, with him in it! Poor Charlie!
My advent calender asked me what are you wishing for I don't really have a wish at the moment, so I ate the chocolate and forgot about the question!
Sweet dreams Trampy xx
It's Friday again, the weeks flown by, scarily so. I worry about the speed of time these days, I feel slightly out of control and wonder if the speed of time will continue to increase for the rest of my life.
Anyway, I woke up this morning with a cold, which throughout the day, digressed into full blown man flu, I am currently sat in a state of unknown having overdosed slightly on beechams and lemsip tablets.
Work dragged but I managed to finish early, as I did overtime yesterday. I decided to join the crowds of people in the city centre and go Christmas shopping, I brought a dress! I like the shopping centre when it's busy, I don't like shopping in it, but I like watching the hoards of people bustling around like little ants, scrawling through shops and getting wound up about tiny insignificant things.
I've been thinking a lot today about what I said to you yesterday, I can't say much on here because I don't know who is reading it, however next time you ring I'll fill you in with my thoughts. I'm excited about going out tomorrow but I've got a feeling it might make matters slightly worse, hey ho!
There's news in England today. Scotland's now flooding because all of the snow has suddenly melted, nothings been mentioned about your neck of the woods but I think it's still really cold up there.
Students have gone nuts in London about these tuition fees, massive riots and things, buildings have been smashed and they tried to wreck Prince Charles car, with him in it! Poor Charlie!
My advent calender asked me what are you wishing for I don't really have a wish at the moment, so I ate the chocolate and forgot about the question!
Sweet dreams Trampy xx
Day 9, 29 days until you return, 16 days until Christmas
Hello my love, I have little to write today as I spoke to you earlier. It was great to speak to you, I've missed your near foreign accent. I'm mighty pleased to hear you're having such fun, but feel that I am missing out greatly!
My advent calender said tis the season to be jolly it is indeed, I feel slightly jolly, especially having taken the people I'm supporting to their Christmas party, it was lovely to see them having so much fun. I feel you would've greatly enjoyed it. There was karaoke, it reminded me of the time we for some reason sang girls aloud, and it ended up in floods of tears and me leaving the building. bah!
love xx
Hello my love, I have little to write today as I spoke to you earlier. It was great to speak to you, I've missed your near foreign accent. I'm mighty pleased to hear you're having such fun, but feel that I am missing out greatly!
My advent calender said tis the season to be jolly it is indeed, I feel slightly jolly, especially having taken the people I'm supporting to their Christmas party, it was lovely to see them having so much fun. I feel you would've greatly enjoyed it. There was karaoke, it reminded me of the time we for some reason sang girls aloud, and it ended up in floods of tears and me leaving the building. bah!
love xx
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Day 8, 30 days until you return, 17 days until Christmas
I've not really got anything to tell you today, I got back to mine this morning to find Granny worrying about the lateness of the washing machine man, He turned up eventually but was useless, I have a bright shiney new washing machine, but it's not connected, just filling up my kitchen!
I went to dance and gym with work. It was tiring!
I was going to go to Zumba this evening but Natasha couldn't make it and I decided not to make a complete fool of myself alone! I instead made a terribly disappointing dinner of possibly the worst potatoes ever created and sausages that were a disgrace to pigs of the world.
My advent calender asked me are you dreaming of a white Christmas. I dream of a lot of things, sometimes I remember my dreams, sometimes I don't, sometimes I make dreams when I'm fully awake and thinking sensibly about my life and my future, things I want to do, or see or be, sometimes I dream of things that are highly unlikely to come true but I like to think about them anyway. I like dreams that sometimes don't make sense but make me think about the different parts of it, like the people that I dreamt of, or the places I saw when I was sleeping, I sometimes can't work out how they got into my dreams, and however hard I've tried, I've never been able to put people into my dreams when I wanted to.
Anyway, back to the question, I think I would like a white Christmas, I've never had one before and I suppose it would be pretty. Snow seems to have caused nothing but problems recently though so maybe just a little bit!
I hope your adventures have been fun filled and wonderful today
sleep well little Trampy x
I've not really got anything to tell you today, I got back to mine this morning to find Granny worrying about the lateness of the washing machine man, He turned up eventually but was useless, I have a bright shiney new washing machine, but it's not connected, just filling up my kitchen!
I went to dance and gym with work. It was tiring!
I was going to go to Zumba this evening but Natasha couldn't make it and I decided not to make a complete fool of myself alone! I instead made a terribly disappointing dinner of possibly the worst potatoes ever created and sausages that were a disgrace to pigs of the world.
My advent calender asked me are you dreaming of a white Christmas. I dream of a lot of things, sometimes I remember my dreams, sometimes I don't, sometimes I make dreams when I'm fully awake and thinking sensibly about my life and my future, things I want to do, or see or be, sometimes I dream of things that are highly unlikely to come true but I like to think about them anyway. I like dreams that sometimes don't make sense but make me think about the different parts of it, like the people that I dreamt of, or the places I saw when I was sleeping, I sometimes can't work out how they got into my dreams, and however hard I've tried, I've never been able to put people into my dreams when I wanted to.
Anyway, back to the question, I think I would like a white Christmas, I've never had one before and I suppose it would be pretty. Snow seems to have caused nothing but problems recently though so maybe just a little bit!
I hope your adventures have been fun filled and wonderful today
sleep well little Trampy x
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Day 7, 31 days until you return, 18 days until Christmas
I miss you lots now, I'm still tempted catch a plane and just run away from everything here, we could open sweethearts near the beach and live there forever? What would you miss most about England if you moved abroad? I don't think I'd miss anything, just people, but they can catch planes!
Anyway, My advent calender told me to wish upon a star tonight I'm not sure what I want to wish for right now, maybe I'll save the wish for another does, does that work, can you carry them over, like a bar tab, can they add up till you need lots of wishes at once?
I went trampolining at work today, that was fun, and then we got Christmas minty hot chocolates, you would love them!
I had a nice walk along the canal as well, it was all icy and beautiful!

After work I went to the gym for a little while and then to Adams. We cooked the best bolognaise in the world, it had marmite in it. Adam made garlic bread too.

We also watched Elf, possibly the best Christmas film in the world!
I need to ring you soon
Monday, 6 December 2010
Day 6, 32 Days until you return, 19 days until Christmas
Hello, Monday mornings come so quick. I enjoy Mondays, the start of a new week, anything can happen after a Monday, It's like a garden gate, or a door, they don't look particularly fantastic but there could be anything behind it, so it's worth opening.
On the note of doors, and opening, My advent calender told me the knock knock joke about Mary Christmas. I was unimpressed, but the chocolate tasted nice!
My Monday began in Costa with Adam, I had Christmas coffee and we had a chat, it was nice, but I'm sure it definitely doesn't compare to the cheesecake factory! You must take me there one day. Also, Santa on a Harley sounds amazing, I hope you're taking lots of pictures!
I went to the open farm for my first session at work. It was so cold, and we were just about the only people around. I took some photos for you.

These piglets were a couple of weeks old.

The Christmas display had real life rabbits, they made me remember Penny-Marie.

Even the spider webs had frozen.
Nothing great happened at work.
There's nothing exciting going on in England at the moment, snow is still a problem up North and in Scotland but it's all melted around here, it's still very cold though. The canal has been frozen for over a week, I'm hoping I can skate on it soon!
There's been lots of Shark attacks in Sharm el Sheik, in Egypt, please be careful when you swim in the Sea, just in case.
I got your message this morning, I don't remember trying to ring you, and I was asleep when you called. Either I was lying on my phone or I was attempting to sleep ring you. Either way, I miss you very much and need to speak to you soon!
Keep an eye out for sharks xx
Hello, Monday mornings come so quick. I enjoy Mondays, the start of a new week, anything can happen after a Monday, It's like a garden gate, or a door, they don't look particularly fantastic but there could be anything behind it, so it's worth opening.
On the note of doors, and opening, My advent calender told me the knock knock joke about Mary Christmas. I was unimpressed, but the chocolate tasted nice!
My Monday began in Costa with Adam, I had Christmas coffee and we had a chat, it was nice, but I'm sure it definitely doesn't compare to the cheesecake factory! You must take me there one day. Also, Santa on a Harley sounds amazing, I hope you're taking lots of pictures!
I went to the open farm for my first session at work. It was so cold, and we were just about the only people around. I took some photos for you.
These piglets were a couple of weeks old.
The Christmas display had real life rabbits, they made me remember Penny-Marie.
Even the spider webs had frozen.
Nothing great happened at work.
There's nothing exciting going on in England at the moment, snow is still a problem up North and in Scotland but it's all melted around here, it's still very cold though. The canal has been frozen for over a week, I'm hoping I can skate on it soon!
There's been lots of Shark attacks in Sharm el Sheik, in Egypt, please be careful when you swim in the Sea, just in case.
I got your message this morning, I don't remember trying to ring you, and I was asleep when you called. Either I was lying on my phone or I was attempting to sleep ring you. Either way, I miss you very much and need to speak to you soon!
Keep an eye out for sharks xx
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Day 5, 33 days till you return, 20 days till Christmas
Hello sunshine, I hope you're over the jet lag now and full of energy for the week ahead. I woke up with no energy whatsoever, in a state of drunkenness and despair. I had to go and collect my car and things from Clares, and go to the hotel where we had the dance last night to get my coat.
I really haven't done much today, I watched Mum sort through her boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations, she as getting overexcited and it certainly wasn't healing my tired and hungover state, the rest of the day I spent lazing about and napping. A terrible terrible waste but I was barely able to do anything else. I watched Ben Fogle for a while, he picked up my spirits for a brief moment.

Auntie Di adds the lights.

Auntie Di's Christmas box (one of)!
Hello sunshine, I hope you're over the jet lag now and full of energy for the week ahead. I woke up with no energy whatsoever, in a state of drunkenness and despair. I had to go and collect my car and things from Clares, and go to the hotel where we had the dance last night to get my coat.
I really haven't done much today, I watched Mum sort through her boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations, she as getting overexcited and it certainly wasn't healing my tired and hungover state, the rest of the day I spent lazing about and napping. A terrible terrible waste but I was barely able to do anything else. I watched Ben Fogle for a while, he picked up my spirits for a brief moment.
Auntie Di adds the lights.
Auntie Di's Christmas box (one of)!
England are doing well in the Ashes
Stacey won I'm a celeb
My advent calender today asked Have you been good this year? I feel, in the grand scheme of things, I have been good this year. I haven't done too many bad deeds, and have certainly done quite a few good ones. I can definitely name years that I have been less good in, and am relatively proud of most of what I have done this year, so YES advent calender, I have been good.
Blimey, Matt Baker lives in County Durham!
Give nick a hug from me
Good night little bear xx
Day 4, 34 days till you return, 21 days till Christmas
So, I've heard from you, and from what you say, you're having a fabulous time, I feel I am greatly missing out and would love to be there! I love the fact you've done so much already, and the hitching with the rastas sounds mighty, please remember to be careful though.
My advent calendar said a little treat for you it was a nice little treat, I had a chocolate tree today!
Anyway, It's Saturday, the snow has nearly all gone but the temperatures are still abnormally cold. I started the day meeting Adam for coffee, his car got nicked and crashed last night which isn't particularly great, we had a chat and a coffee and then I continued with my day! I went to the farm to do my washing whilst Mam an Dor got their usual Saturday morning garden centre fix. Mums yet to decorate the house in her usual festive overload but we took the first steps by going to collect tree, a simple task you may think, but no, because of course they both want the same tree and all the trees are different so as usual, a simple task was greatly complicated. We did however choose a splendid tree, I'm hoping it will be up and decorated soon!
I had lunch at Mams, a draining task, Dad and Matt were taking each others temperature with a cow thermometer, the twins were talking nonsense and Rob, in a severely hungover state was dipping wotsits into coffee and flinging them around the room, possibly with the intention of making Mum yelp, it was working!
I then had to go and sort myself out for the evenings festivities, I got my nails manicured by some rather grumpy Asians who spoke little English, this was proving to be a problem for the middle aged lady next to me who was trying to explain she was in pain, the language barrier stopped anything from happening and the lad continued to grind away at her nails. Mine however turned out nice, though as usual, were chipped by the time I went out!
I went to Clares to get ready, we drank some pimms before heading out on our hired minibus, which turned out to be an age concern van, luckily it didn't have its suspected aroma of lavender and wee and we made it in one piece to the hotel for the Newport Young Farmers dinner and dance. We drank several jagerbombs ad wines and danced a bit, Rob was there in his posh boy suit.
The dance finished at midnight, some of the lads from Bucks young farmers said they were going out in MK and asked if I wanted to go with them, it didn't take much persuading and I soon found myself on a minibus, filled with some strange Reggae Christmas music, with 7 blokes dressed in dinner suits. We ended up at Oceana, enjoyed a bit of Peter Andre, Take That, etc etc. It was immense, I was suitably drunk and the others were a state!
I've decided it would be good to get a taxi home to mine, but on arrival, realised I had no keys. I staggered around the garden, found the spare keys, and relieved my poor poor feet of the heels I couldn't walk in in the first place!
I hope your adventures are continuing greatly.
Adios Amigo x
Friday, 3 December 2010
Day 3, 35 days till you return, 22 days till Christmas.
Well, It's Friday, my third favourite day of the week, the first being Saturday, the second Sunday. I like the fact that whatever goes wrong on a Friday, there's a whole 2 days full of time to attempt to sort it, forget about it, or find something else to do. You probably don't appreciate this, I didn't until I worked, like Dolly Parton once said, 9-5.
The snow has began to melt, it's turned from pure white, to sludgy grey, it looks messy and is beginning to uncover bits of England that looked better covered up! This however is only true for around Milton Keynes, the rest of England is still covered up, and being covered further, airports are beginning to open again but I think the majority of Britain are fed up, and want our usual damp days back.
My advent calender chocolate had a star on today, the message on the door said keep warm and toasty toasty today good advice I feel. Is the weather nice in Hawaii today?
Anyway, as much as I like Fridays, it does still involve work, I started off my day in a cold jacuzzi with a screaming lady and a couple of fat men. It was unenjoyable but over quick. My other session was horse riding, I sat until my toes went blue and my hands ached, in a barn, whilst the horse trudged around in a miserable and desperate manner. Fridays work came and went.
I went to the city centre after work, I called into my flat on the way past and cranked up the heating as Granny's out for the weekend. I felt slightly shady, like a bugler robbing a shop, or an older child stealing sweets of it's younger sibling, still, what Granny doesn't know doesn't hurt her, and it was so very very cold.
I got my eyebrows threaded for tomorrow, the pain was immense and I wondered why I was putting myself through it, however once done they looked good, so my legs may still be the worse in the world, but at least my eyebrows wont let me down!
What happened next was unexpected and wonderful. I was loitering in House of Fraser, looking at the make up on Benefit the woman who worked there offered me some cooling cream for my eyebrows, I obliged, it helped a lot. Then just as I turned around to leave, she grabbed my arm in an excited frenzy. Stacey from Gavin and Stacey was stood next to us. We both grinned at her, she looked at us like we were mental and walked off. I feel I should've made a hilarious comment, but like the time when I told the RAC man my Dad owned the AA, it wouldn't have been funny without an audience!
I made a bread and butter pudding this evening, I'm upset you're not here to share it. I've decided I do want to get married when I'm older, but only to someone who appreciates my fabulous baking skills, that way I can bake lots and they would be happy. Hows Hawaiian food, have you eaten anything exciting yet?
Jungle update; Jenny ate a bum, Stacey ate a kangaroo vagina and Shaun ate some balls. Stacey won a pie by building a cabinet, Shaun got angry and burnt his.
Elsewhere, Merily and Lempit have been pictured buying an engagement ring in Tiffany. Merilys been photographed in possibly the smallest bikini in the world.

Jenny left the jungle, Stacey and Shaun are in the final!
That's about it for today, I'm going to have a bath and dye my hair a dark brown for the dinner and dance tomorrow.
Have fun, love you x
Well, It's Friday, my third favourite day of the week, the first being Saturday, the second Sunday. I like the fact that whatever goes wrong on a Friday, there's a whole 2 days full of time to attempt to sort it, forget about it, or find something else to do. You probably don't appreciate this, I didn't until I worked, like Dolly Parton once said, 9-5.
The snow has began to melt, it's turned from pure white, to sludgy grey, it looks messy and is beginning to uncover bits of England that looked better covered up! This however is only true for around Milton Keynes, the rest of England is still covered up, and being covered further, airports are beginning to open again but I think the majority of Britain are fed up, and want our usual damp days back.
My advent calender chocolate had a star on today, the message on the door said keep warm and toasty toasty today good advice I feel. Is the weather nice in Hawaii today?
Anyway, as much as I like Fridays, it does still involve work, I started off my day in a cold jacuzzi with a screaming lady and a couple of fat men. It was unenjoyable but over quick. My other session was horse riding, I sat until my toes went blue and my hands ached, in a barn, whilst the horse trudged around in a miserable and desperate manner. Fridays work came and went.
I went to the city centre after work, I called into my flat on the way past and cranked up the heating as Granny's out for the weekend. I felt slightly shady, like a bugler robbing a shop, or an older child stealing sweets of it's younger sibling, still, what Granny doesn't know doesn't hurt her, and it was so very very cold.
I got my eyebrows threaded for tomorrow, the pain was immense and I wondered why I was putting myself through it, however once done they looked good, so my legs may still be the worse in the world, but at least my eyebrows wont let me down!
What happened next was unexpected and wonderful. I was loitering in House of Fraser, looking at the make up on Benefit the woman who worked there offered me some cooling cream for my eyebrows, I obliged, it helped a lot. Then just as I turned around to leave, she grabbed my arm in an excited frenzy. Stacey from Gavin and Stacey was stood next to us. We both grinned at her, she looked at us like we were mental and walked off. I feel I should've made a hilarious comment, but like the time when I told the RAC man my Dad owned the AA, it wouldn't have been funny without an audience!
I made a bread and butter pudding this evening, I'm upset you're not here to share it. I've decided I do want to get married when I'm older, but only to someone who appreciates my fabulous baking skills, that way I can bake lots and they would be happy. Hows Hawaiian food, have you eaten anything exciting yet?
Jungle update; Jenny ate a bum, Stacey ate a kangaroo vagina and Shaun ate some balls. Stacey won a pie by building a cabinet, Shaun got angry and burnt his.
Elsewhere, Merily and Lempit have been pictured buying an engagement ring in Tiffany. Merilys been photographed in possibly the smallest bikini in the world.

Jenny left the jungle, Stacey and Shaun are in the final!
That's about it for today, I'm going to have a bath and dye my hair a dark brown for the dinner and dance tomorrow.
Have fun, love you x
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